Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Three Pillars of Modern Radical Feminism

I see three pillars to this new form of Modern Radical Feminism being engraved within the urban societies all over the world.
  • Dignity
  • The word NO
  • Men


Tammy Bruce (Board of Directors on National Organization of Women) says “I feel pride and some guilt for this designation, Pride because feminism has pushed forward some very important and needed changes and guilt because it has done a lot of damage”. For radical modern feminists dignity stands for two things
  •  It should be the core of what feminism should be about
  •  A woman should be able to freely choose her path in life
College students in the western world aspires to be in any field such as lawyers, journalists, artists, doctors, engineers but they would not choose a wife or a mother to be a career path or even consider it one of the paths to follow. If this is a given factor to a college student today it is not just considered a no go as a career but it is discouraged by the feminists by labelling it offensive, sexist, embarrassing and anti-feminist. It has happened to many women who are pro-marriage and family life, their views are not event considered as ones to be heard or acknowledged by the radical feminists. This happened to a guest contributor Susan A. Patton at Princeton University in 2013 who published a letter stating that marriage and being a mother and a wife needs to be acknowledged equally as other career choices by college students and she suffered the criticism beyond our expectation by the feminist groups.

When what was due to keep the dignity of a woman was to value and respect all responsible choices. “While talking of dignity I can’t see anything less dignified that a woman in the sexual arena act like men or ought to act like men. Is this what a truly liberated woman wants?” Tammy. Think of casual sex and think of it like men do and what they aspires to? The answer to this question on an international level is a ‘YES’ by the women.
  • Feminism has downplayed the desire of women to have family
  • Simultaneously hyping the rewards of career and casual sex around the globe
Not exactly the recipe of success and happiness

The word NO

There is great power in the word No. The consequences of using the word No to define feminism has been catastrophic in the last 3 decades. Particularly the time when Pakistan met the idea of feminism while it was already evolved from the original narrative, women who fought NOT to be treated as a sex object have been more objectified than ever, you see it on tv, internet, advertisements, magazines, newspapers and now we see teenage girls pursuing teenage boys like boys used to do some decades ago. How did this happen?

Because feminism advocated that women should behave like men, whatever men did and however they did it, that is what women should do. Feminists were angry at men but they wanted to be like men at the same time. No wonder our society is so confused women are robbing themselves to say no to this, solution is to take that power back.

Saying No means that I will not be defined by anyone else NOT by feminists and not by men’s sexual desires. That is female power.


Whether feminists agree or not, it was men who gave up their monopoly to give women the right to vote, men who invented birth control, refrigerator, washing machine and so many other devices that liberated women and men are different from women. Academics like to speculate that “men and women are basically the same but they like to socialized differently.” Bobbi J. Carothers Harry T. Reis (men and women are from earth Journal of personality and social psychology Vol 104 no 2 Feb 2013). Moreover sexes need each other for example women civilize men, its what they are suppose to do but in order to do so, women must
  • Preserve their dignity
  • Not be afraid to use the word No
  • See men as partners NOT as competitors or oppressors
That is the solution for a society to be stronger otherwise it will only get worse, and by the time we will realize it the differences would be of such grand level that we will only be remembered as ignorant fools who damaged the society from a grass root level.

(with reference to Tammy Bruce's Video)

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