Saturday, 24 October 2015

The Conflicting Tree of Belief

The biggest conflicts humans have faced within a society are associated or based on the word belief. The word holds the ability to penetrate and define a state of mind about a self sustaining idea or theory using sentimental values as a tool to incentivize inner peace or identification of self to set barriers and laws based on a hierarchy of superiority outlining social, moral and spiritual contentment that may be applicable on a person or group of people with similar weaknesses and strengths to adapt it and make it ultimate with or without a scientific logical method or an explanation.

“Discrimination is not liberal. Arguing against discrimination is not intolerance.”
Richard Dawkins

The idea of belief grows like a seed that doesn’t tolerate a conflicting idea that may question the basics or detailed explanation based on rational thinking. A human brain has boundaries but no limits; the potential of a human brain has the ability to expand like the universe. “A pattern of findings demonstrates that the anatomical structure of adult human brain can change very quickly, specifically during the acquisition of new, named categories,” said by Researcher Veronica Kwok of the University of Hong Kong and colleagues in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This can be understood in a way that process of human evolution is limitless and is happening fast.

“Beliefs are propositions about the relations among things to which those who believe have made some kind of commitment that could be pragmatic or emotional. A proposition's credibility may appear obvious from experience or a proposition may seem to be the most prudent assumption on which to act. In either case the commitment has pragmatic basis. Emotional commitment to a proposition occurs when a person wants to feel a need for it to be true because of what its truth implies about things that matter.” As suggested by Ward H. Goodenough

Goodenough’s study does not include ‘rational thinking’ as a major pillar to base belief as an act to associate the ultimate both religion and science are trying to find. Historically we have lost a lot of information that we still have hard time understanding and decoding how it happened. But the information did leave some clues or proves of their existence in fossils and monuments and stories and myths. Using this statement to define everything that has been logically proven under scientific laws is something a belief hinders and rejects to exist and uses sentimental and psychological tools to reassure its existence thus belief breaks certain boundaries but rests in limits constrained by pre-existing ideas of the ones who understood the need and use of belief to rule or remain in power.

The capacity of belief cannot be endless because it demands submission of a person’s thought process. The idea of belief and energy are like two brothers fighting for royalty, where both have suppressed and oppressed each other in the course of history through a chain of command that uses similar tools like fear, spirituality, hatred, diplomacy and peace all leading to conflict for the gain of power or survival.

Belief resists the idea of knowing beyond limits, it escapes it by either refusing to acknowledge the endless capacity and capability of our brains to understand, adhere and possess infinite knowledge or the second escape is by putting barriers to the endless capacity of our brains to understand, adhere and possess infinite knowledge to label yourself superior among men and inferior to belief or energy. A human brain has tissues just like all other muscles bound by to give an outcome based on its use. The way we can build muscles on our arms and legs we can also train our brains to enhance our capacity of thinking and refining our thoughts for conclusions. This makes the limit of thoughts to become endless as associated with the diverse factors of both pure and social science. Yet we have no quarrel on accepting the existence of time and energy to be the building block of life and existence.

Hence it is difficult to rely on belief for conclusion rather than rational research justifying the findings and not the belief itself to an individual, leading belief not to require logical acceptance to many findings and proven theories. Since submission to a higher power can be diplomatically more rewarding but it will end up creating copies of information that seizes the idea of growth in all aspects that cross limits known sacred to a belief with slight alterations while energy remains neither inferior nor superior it may vary in magnitude but does not vary in core and nature.

The tool used by belief here is merely the idea of growth that grows different branches all connected to the same roots and refusing to accept the existence and possibility of different trees around it. It doesn’t mean the fruit it grows would not be sweet or the sweetest it may be, but the sweet is not the only taste a fruit is bound to have, unless all you consciously or unconsciously want to taste is only sweet nothing other than that is unacceptable even if it exists naturally too. This can be the core of conflict between energy and belief, the science and religion. Mostly led by belief through superiority based on the factors that offer awards like acceptance and endorsement in society, power in society, end of resentment within a group or a feud.

The idea of putting all your queries on to a higher being or a more purposeful existence of God and His most valued followers, leading to an end of your purpose or keeping you within a barrier or a group that may only end up making you a branch, a fruit or a leaf of just one tree standing over the same roots.